Monday, April 17, 2017

Classmate Blog Critique

There are so many intriguing aspects of Justice Seymour's blog that I was unsure how to cover them all. I felt I could only compile them in a list that encompasses the top 3 which enticed me. I will supplement with highlights from his blog posts. Before I get to that, let me preface and summarize by saying that if you like snark and if you like to laugh, this might be the blog for you. Justice manages to use the following three features to give you an unfettered look at the way he views each assigned topic. Lastly, I want to mention that The Attack on Titan post was my favorite and will appear in many examples. Even if you've never seen the show, the review is certainly worth the read. Click the link above to visit his blog.

If you scroll through the blog, first thing you might notice is the quantity of orange text. Yes, those are hyperlinks. I found myself hoping Professor Reppert would click each and every one, as I was curious what would be lurking in the next tab. If you so choose to click through, you'll find not only pertinent sources, but also supplements to the subject itself. Though the hyperlinks are oftentimes humorous, they serve to verse the reader in the subject at hand-exactly how he sees it. It's a supplement to both the writing, the opinion and the message behind it. Click the following links to get a taste.

International Media (Attack on Titan):
Essentially, Eren and his friends join the military or police or whatever. This police force is meant to fight any and all Titans that come a knocking at their pre-Trump border walls, and it's been Eren's dream to join the force since he was a kid. (Which is only fueled more when a Titan eats his mother. I said spoilers.)

He is a little kid who hates these things called Titans (think of the zombies from The Walking Dead, but really big and naked. But don't worry, they don't have genitals.)

Social Media (Facebook):
Facebook wasn't the most special thing back in it's heyday. You just look at your friends post about their day or their ideas or just boring, run of the mill, life stuff and it was all well and good. (Granted, I started my Facebook in middle school, and middleschoolers don't have many things going on other than "I just beat that level in Resident Evil 4!" or some mundane thing like that.) 

Television Review (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The theme song, which (slightly) changes every 2 episodes, pokes good fun with the original warnings that scared me from reading the books as the child, constantly bellowing “Look away! Look away!”

Humor. It's just downright humorous, and that's that. From topic selection to prose, links and media, there is a definite tone: sarcasm. I thoroughly enjoy sarcasm. I especially enjoy it when teamed with witty and sometimes deadpan humor. While reading, you might think "Was that meant to be insulting?" The answer is likely, yes. I mean, he chose to do a review of Supernatural strictly because he hated it! Justice thwarts his opinion in a humorous way which makes the writing both engaging and insightful. I enjoyed Attack on Titan, but reading his review made me rethink the show entirely. Was it needlessly violent? Maybe. Was there too much shouting? Possibly. Was the main character a whine-bag? Yes. A plus to using humor to communicate an opinion is that it makes the content relatable. I totally agree with him on those points, but did that change my opinion about the show? No! I laugh because I know what he says is logical and true. 

International Media (Attack on Titan) -My favorite example:
Speaking of screaming, I hate it in this show. There was one FULL EPISODE full of nothing but debate and screaming. The whole time it's Armin telling the rest of the police force that Eren isn't going to betray them and that he can be used to their advantage. This would have made a decent court scene or even just a talk in a room. But no, it is in some town square and the Commander and Armin are yelling at each other from like 100 feet away and they just have a 25 minute debate the whole time. That episode felt like a waste of my life force. 

So scared in fact that, when a Titan goes up to Armin to kill him, he is paralyzed by fear and Eren comes in to save the day only to get chomped down by a Santa Claus looking mofo.

Social Media (Facebook):
Twitter is my favorite of all social media sites because, if someone is going to say something incredibly stupid, it is at least 140 characters or less. 

Movie Review (Swiss Army Man): 
I heard of the film was when it went to the Sundance Film Festival and large amounts of people walked out of the film due to a corpse farting, non stop, in the film (the corpse being played by Harry Potter himself.) After hearing this news, I decided I would check out the trailer, and I was very much intrigued.

Pop Culture (Supernatural):
It's terrible! It's trash! The show constantly goes back and forth from one brother sacrificing himself to save the other over and over again and, in the meantime, they fight a new threat every week/season. The show is wash, rinse, repeat at its core. Which would be fine, if the fans of the show didn't treat it like the best thing ever.

While I was excited for the finale of Breaking Bad, everyone else was trading seasons 1-5000 with each other at school. 

As I said, he uses humor to present his opinion in a sarcastic yet engaging manner. He can say "I hate it," in a million different ways. For example, he includes anecdotes which often surround himself and brother to set the stage for his opinion. The tales are often humorous, entailing the following scenario: "I'm going to hate this though my brother says I won't. Yep, I hated it." By doing so, I don't believe Justice is simply trying to be funny. He seems to be very passionate about the topics he writes and has a passionate opinion to communicate. I can't say I don't love that it's often a negative opinion. Sarcasm and wit just seem to be his forte. The blog itself is very well written though it manages to hold onto the aforementioned traits. It's unfettered in the best way. 

International Media (Attack on Titan): 
When I came home from college last summer, my brother wanted to show me the television show Attack on Titan. I told him that I didn't want to watch it because I don't like anime. To be fair, I had my brother watch The Leftovers when I came back for Christmas break, and it took him a little bit of time to get into it (but, by god, he DID get into it.) I told my brother that I didn't like many anime today because they are too serious, needlessly violent, and they yell a lot. He just looked at me and said:

JACOB: But Justice! This one is really good! 

He would deny it if I said this, but I definitely didn't try to hate it when I started it. I tried to have the openedest of open minds, and guess what? I hated it. OHHHHH Did I hate it so! It was literally everything I hated about anime!

Did you read that right? Eren DIES! I was mad that he died at the time only because I figured he'd stay dead and this show wasted my time trying to make me care about such an a**hole character that wasn't even going to be in the rest of the show, but the show got better with his absence!

I don't want to see it because I hate it, but, if my brother does have me watch it, hopefully it will get better.

Social Media (Facebook):
 I'm all for giving everyone a voice and allowing to be heard but did we really need to know that you were #feelinglikemyself when you got your #starbucks and that you are getting #whitegirlwasted tonight with you and your buddies all posed with a raging #nonoword ton of puppy dog, black and white sepia filters? (You don't look cute. You look like a domesticated animal....literally). Are your thoughts about the clickbaity title of an article (because you were "too busy" to read the actual article itself) really so important that you have to share it to everyone?

I don't care about most people's lives on social media and I don't really care about the things they share (they can SOMETIMES be funny (but it usually isn't.))

Pop Culture (Supernatural):
Let me start out by saying that I very much dislike Supernatural. I kind of hate it. Why? Because it's boring television!

After a full paragraph of how much I hated Supernatural and have much disdain for it's fandom, let me now talk about how everyone in my family absolutely loves this show.

Television Review (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
   It’s no secret that I am a fan of “sad” TV. When my brother is in a mood, he likes to watch short comedy movies or shows just so he can not pay attention and have the occasional laugh. I do the opposite twice. When I’m happy, I watch sad stuff. When I’m sad, I watch sad(der) stuff. I don’t know why that is, maybe I like to feel my emotions when I’m sad or maybe I like to look at sad people and think “, Thank God I’m not like them!” Whatever the case may be, I LOVE sad TV.

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